2.1) Creating objects of the wrapper classes
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All the wrapper classes implement the interfaces java.io.Serializable and java.lang.Comparable. All these classes can be serialized to a stream, and their objects define a natural sort order.
You can create objects of all the wrapper classes in multiple ways:
Assignment—By assigning a primitive to a wrapper class variable
Constructor—By using wrapper class constructors
Static methods—By calling the static method of wrapper classes, like valueOf()
You can create objects of the rest of the wrapper classes (Short, Integer, Long, and Float) in a similar manner. All the wrapper classes define constructors to create an object using a corresponding primitive value or as a String.
Another interesting point to note is that neither of these classes defines a default no-argument constructor. Because wrapper classes are immutable, it doesn’t make sense to initialize the wrapper objects with the default primitive values if they can’t be modified later.
All wrapper classes (except Character) define a constructor that accepts a String argument representing the primitive value that needs to be wrapped.
You can assign a primitive value directly to a reference variable of its wrapper class type—thanks to autoboxing. The reverse is unboxing, when an object of a primitive wrapper class is converted to its corresponding primitive value. I’ll discuss autoboxing and autounboxing in detail in the next section.
All wrapper classes define methods of the format primitiveValue(), where primitive refers to the exact primitive data type name. Table shows a list of the classes and their methods to retrieve corresponding primitive values.
To get a primitive data type value corresponding to a string value, you can use the static utility method parseDataType(), where DataType refers to the type of the return value. Each wrapper class (except Character) defines a method, to parse a String to the corresponding primitive value, listed as follows: